(800) 397-5141


Your Account Information

This email address is in use. To retrieve your password, click here.

Your Profile Information

Your Print Media Outlets

Register each print outlet in which you plan to run StatePoint content. Select the state where each outlet is located and add it from the list.

Available Print Media Outlets

{{ o.name }}

Selected Print Media Outlets

{{ o.name }}, {{ o.state }}
{{ o.name }}, {{ o.state }}

If your outlet is not listed above, enter its name below, separating multiple outlets with a semicolon

Your Websites

Register each website on which you plan to run StatePoint content and specify which of our content feeds you wish to plug-in to each site.

{{ `Website #${i + 1}` }}

Optional Content Feeds

Localized Game Feed (Learn More)
(Currently available in IL and WI)
Crossword & Sudoku Puzzle Feeds (Learn More)
Feature Story Feed (Learn More)

Terms of Service

I have read and accept StatePoint Media Inc.'s Terms of Service.
Formatting Sample
Widget Formatting Sample
Formatting Sample
Viewer Formatting Sample

Display on My Website: You will receive code for the Headline Widget and code for the Article Viewer to place on your website. Story headlines in the Headline Widget link to the page on your website where you have placed the Article Viewer, which displays the story's text and photo.

Display as Pop-Up: You will receive code for the Headline Widget to place on your website. Story headlines in the Headline Widget link to pop-ups displaying the story's text and photo.


Most users place the Article Viewer on a separate page than the Headline Widget, since it displays entire stories.


Text: Display your media outlet's name as header text above each story in the Article Viewer.

Image: Display your media outlet's logo or header image above each story in the Article Viewer.

Important Note

The custom code for the content feed you selected will be available by clicking 'Get Code & Instructions' on your 'My Account' page, where you can also make edits to your feeds at any time.